
Monday, December 30, 2013

CRM 2013 Notes Control only showing notes

CRM 2013 has a handy new feature for displaying activities, notes, and posts in a single control. This is very easy to configure by just selecting the "Notes" control in the form designer.

You can subsequently also define the default view for this control in the properties. As an aside, it's also recommended to uncheck the "Display label on the form" check box as it will display better without this.

So far so good. Except for one small wrinkle - the "Activities" and "Posts" tabs for this control do not show...

I found a solution to this issue which is outlined in this blog post. Although it does appear to be an issue even for forms that have already been "upgraded". Case in point - the form that I was working with was a new form created in CRM 2013 for an existing entity and the issue still appeared.

Anyway, as described in that post, the issue is fixed by modifying FormPresentation node for the form in question from 0 to 1.

After importing and publishing, the 3 tabs for this control display as expected.

1 comment:

  1. Is there a way to display all Notes, Activities & Posts in the Feed and not default it just one?
