
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Adding drop down menus to the ribbon

Having briefly discussed the Ribbon Workbench Tool I thought I'd go about providing an example of how to go about adding a drop down menu on the CRM entity form.

Rather than keeping it simple, we'll dive straight into the deep-end and walk through an example of configuring a dynamic drop down menu. Chances are that if you are configuring something like this, you'll need to make it dynamic so it can interact with the elements on your form. This example builds on some other contributions that have been made.

We'll start off with the end result. Say we want to configure the ability to directly call a contact using either the business, mobile or home number present on the contact form. This solution should be dynamic in that it needs to pull the relevant numbers from the form and display them in a drop menu. Should one of the numbers not be present, then the corresponding menu option should not show.

Something like this:

The Ribbon Workbench Tool is a good starting point as it allows you to build the initial framework. We'll skip over that part and go ino the configuration of the ribbon component and the corresponding jscript. We'll do this at a fairly high level - use the screenshot below for reference.

  1. In the FlyoutAnchor node make sure to specify the "PopulateDynamically = true" and create a reference to a command definition in the PopulateQueryCommand tag. This function is going to be responsible for creating the menu options.
  2. Create the corresponding "Snt.DynamicMenu" Command Definition and reference the "DynamicMenu" jscript function (in an existing web resource jscript file). This simply calls the jscript function and passes in the context variable.
  3. The "DynamicMenu" jscript function needs to construct and return the XML for populating the menu options. In this function, you can use all the conditional processing of jscript in order to construct the menu options to suit your implementation.
  4. The Command tag in the body of the jscript XML should reference a valid Command Definition back in the RibbonDiffXml section. I'd recommend sticking to the names that have been used (unless you have more than one custom drop  down menu on your form in which case you'll need to distinguish).
  5. Create the corresponding "Snt.OptionClicked Command Definition and...
  6. reference the "OptionClicked" jscript function. This simply calls the jscript function and passes in the context variable.
  7. The "OptionClicked" jscript function is used to handle the mouse click. You can just use the case statement to identify on which menu option the mouse was clicked and perform the necessary processing logic.
That's pretty much it. You can download the files referenced in the screenshots above from here.